Manufacturers of High Quality Military Watches Since 1974

polyWatch Scratch Remover (Removes Scratches from Acrylic Crystals)



Product Details

SKU Code: polywatch

Unfortunately plastic or acrylic watch crystals as used on our W10, GG-W-113, A-11 and many watches from other manufacturers such as the CWC G10 and W10, Fossil and Swatch watches with acrylic crystals tend to scratch very easily when compared with actual glass, consequently they can look pretty tired in a relatively short time. Replacement of the crystal is not always possible and when when it is the cost and hassle is prohibitive. polyWatch is the simple answer because it will remove scratches rapidly and cheaply from a  plastic watch crystal and it couldn't be simpler by following a simple easy-to-follow "do-it-yourself” procedure as below.

How to use it:

  • Apply PolyWatch to the watch crystal
  • Use a piece of cotton wool
  • Polish the scratched areas for 2-3 minutes with great pressure at a right angle to the scratches
  • Deep scratches need to be treated more than once
  • Finally, remove any remaining polyWatch with a cloth.

How it works:

  • The plastic glass is very slightly dissolved and ground down by tiny abrasive particles
  • The edges of the scratch marks are then smoothed off
  • The cracks filled in with some of the original plastic from the watch crystal

Each tube is sufficient for approximately 10 uses.


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